Friday, May 11, 2012


The dictionary defines beauty as, “The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
Needless to say BEAUTY is so very subjective! The great thing about the subjectivity of beauty is that it opens the door to talk about inner, spiritual, and even family beauty. Mary Kay herself set the model for my Mary Kay business by putting God first, family second, and the business third. The other great thing about beauty’s subjectivity is that it makes for some really funny interactions!  The things that give me “intense pleasure & deep satisfaction” aren’t what do it for others. For instance, Mom and Tee almost always disagree with me about shoes! It’s a bit of a joke between us that if we all three like a shoe it must be simply amazing and that if we all hate a shoe it must truly be hideous!
In writing this blog; I want to open the discussion about what beauty is. What brings each of us “intense” pleasure? Why do we color and design our faces and styles? Who are we doing this for? Why does one color bring more satisfaction to you than another? Why does one dress make your face screw up and another make you literally sigh or squeal in delight? What is that giddy feeling that I get when I see a great pair of shoes? Please join the conversation; I want to hear all the wonderful things in the world that make you happy just from a color or a shape or a design!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Sunday I did pin-curls for my niece, Miss K. When I was a kid and got to stay at my Great Curly Gram's house, she would pin-curl my hair. It was her way to tame the frizz that was my hair. I can remember the tug of the comb and the feel of her fingers twisting the hair. Her fingers that were good at everything she ever put them to. I recall the smell of her home and how great her food always was!

All this comes to mind when telling Miss K about it when she asked if I had a curling iron. I laughed a little bit because my hair is naturally curly. I did tell her that I used to have a tiny one to get ringlets or to curl strands to frame my face. Then I told her about my Curly Gram twisting my hair to get the same thing. I told Miss K that my Gram didn't always have a curling iron or even a "hot iron" when she was younger, so she did a twist and pin to get her curls to style.

Miss K asked me to do that for her hair (super straight, btw), so after church, we sat and I took a turn at something my Curly Gram liked to do for me. Turns out it's rather meditative. Combing, dividing sections, twisting, and pinning over and over; untilled all the hair was twisted and pinned.

Then there is the waiting.  It wasn't so bad for me, but for Miss K it was tough! The pins poke and itch on top of the tiny hairs pulling... oh the pain of beauty:)! She got super excited to take them out and see the look we had achieved! A few released pins, some hair clips, bit of spray gel, and voila! Curls! She loved it!

The rest of the afternoon I watched the curls loosen and fade into a wave and thought of my great grand mother. I thought of deeper things like transience and letting go, but mostly I took a simple joy in Miss K's happiness. I miss you Curly Gram, thank you for all the times you did my hair!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Reason I Signed Up!

I am reading “Miracles Happen” by Mary Kay Ash.  I am not even to page 10 and feel the need to share what she says. 
She has been telling how she got her business going  and then giving credit to her family as they are a huge part of what she started. She then says this: “Still, I’m not certain that any  person can take total credit for the success of my dream. A friend of mine once said, ‘Mary Kay Cosmetics was a divine accident looking for a place to happen.’ And I think this is correct. In 1963, the social forces that now support the financial and legal equality of women had not gained public favor. And yet, here was a company that would give women all the opportunities I had never had. I don’t think God wanted a world in which a woman would have to work fourteen hours a day to support her family, as my mother had done. I believe He used this company as a vehicle to give women a chance. And I feel very humble and very fortunate to have had a part in showing other women the way.”

To a tom-boy such as myself, this is a little miracle! It’s mind-blowing! See, I thought makeup was a shallow thing, and I admit, it sometimes is, but through Mary Kay I can be part of a bigger cosmetic picture. There is beauty in dressing up, in playing with color on our face, with supporting women and our causes, and above all having a good time! Thank you Mary Kay Ash for paving a way for me!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Makeup Monday

Nature inspired colors are the focus for Spring. I know here in Texas it already feels like Summer, but I assure you that we aren't quite in Spring yet! Mary Kay’s “The Art of Nature Collection” is super yummy! It’s also limited edition; so if Rainforest Liquid eye color, or lava nail lacquer are screaming for your attention; call or email now!
I have great shades of our Mineral Eye Color, such as Azure, Espresso, or Emerald. Freshen your cheeks with Strawberry Cream, Sunny Spice, or Bold Berry!
Come see me tomorrow and we’ll talk about technique!
Check out the catalog here!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hi! My name is Bethany and this is my blog about my journey as a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. So, here we go.

I'm not what anyone would call fashionable. Honestly, I didn't discover the power of pink until I was 30! Matching clothes and accessories? Most days were lucky to have matching socks! (Thanks, Mom!) I can dress up if the need arises; even clean up nice some might say, but most days I spend in loose comfy clothes chasing my nephew around, sweating; not glistening or glowing. I'm a tom-boy who finally figured out that "product" makes my hair look and feel great, skin care is HUGE, and that moisturizer actually goes on your face!

Imagine my surprise to find myself an Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay! Her name IS "class", beauty, gumption; need I go on? Those aren't words used in reference to me; this isn't a negative, the words would just be different :) I'm the opposite of what Mary Kay brings to mind yet here I am. It's got to be the pink, right?! It is my favorite color since I discovered it power!

So I hope you join me on this crazy adventure! I'm going to share how I got here; which I am still not entirely sure about. We'll talk about skin-care, makeup, technique, personal style, and beauty; both inner and outer. We may stray into FASHION (OMG!), SHOES (and other accessories), mixing and matching (Thx again, Mom!), and putting a "look" together. Did I mention shoes?! Confession one of many: tom-boy or not, I've ALWAYS had a thing for shoes! 

Welcome to Confessions! Let's talk about Beauty!